When i was 20, my mother brought me home a dog. I told her i didn't need a dog. She insisted on it. I'm a softy when it comes to animals. So i let the dog stay.
We named her princess. She is a black dog, 4 white paws, and a white tipped tail. Her ears stood up when she was listening. My best guess was she was part black lab and australion shepard.
We became the best of best friends. Anytime i had to go anywhere princess always went. She stay the night at friends houses with me.She went to drinking partys with me. She even went to work with me at subway.
We always went on road trips.I can remember one year we went to Ozzy Feast 2000. *L* I found my dog running around the gorge. I ended up leaving early cause i could not keep her in the car *L* It was to bloody hot. So we stayed for our favorite bands and left. *smiles*
Once when i lived on my own, my back porch was covert with cats. I don't know where they all came from, but heaps of cats used to hang out on my porch.. I tell princess "Seeee the keeey keey's", Her ears stood up. "Princess do you wanna get the Keeey Keeeys?" She be wagging. Then i go over to the siding glass door and she bolt right out after the 6 to 10 cats that where hanging out on my back porch. You see them all scatter. She never hurt them. But it was the funniest thing to see her perk right up and chase after them.
Then, one night i was sitting in a parking lot, waiting on a freind. My freind thought it be funny if he ran over and jumped in the back seat next to Princess and try to scare the crap out me. Needless to say He was the one who got the crap scared out him. He open the door jumped in and Princess start barking and bareing her teeth at him and just as quick as he jumped in the car, he jumped right back out... hahaha
Princess used to sleep on one side of my bed. She be all curled up in the blackest. I can remember when David moved in Princess was mad at me for a week cause she go kicked out her spot *L* After that she sleep right next to me, on the floor, on my side the bed.
At Christmas time we try to always get the dogs something. She loves it when you get her one of those huge bones that still have dried meat one it. If you where to give her a ball, she look at you like your nuts and was saying "I'm not chasing no dam ball"! *L*
Then after David and i where married for 5 years we brought home a baby (Joel).. She walked over smelt Joel and sat down next to him. When Joel began to cry cause he was hungry, Princess ears stood straight up. Like whats wrong with him mom? She wanted to make Joel better.
Then when it was Isaac turn to come home. It was the funniest thing, I set Isaac on the floor next to her. She smelt him, and took a deep breath and blow out her nose. LOL She wanted nothing to do with another baby *L*
Princess is really is womens best freind. And this year I'm turning 30. She is 11 to 12 years old. She turly is a good dog. But with ever bone in my body, I'm sad and sorry to say that we had to put her down. She just gotten to old. Princess would shake, pant, paces really bad from her anxiety. She bolt out the front door sometimes and not come back for hours. She started get snappy at the other dogs and started acting like a puppy, even though she is 12 years old. I think she losing her self some days.
Then yesterday, Isaac was loving on her like he ways dose. She turned and snapped at him right in the face/nose. His nose has like 8 scratch marks with a bit hole a 1/4 inch away from his eye. She very easy could have token out his eye. I really don't think she might to hurt Isaac. But i think with her being so unstable (the shaking, taking off, being old and snapping at the other dogs) she lost her cool. I really don't know what her next reactions to things where going be.
The decision of putting her down was one of my top 10 hardest. I still haven't stop crying. I know its still soon. But i really do love her. We try thinking other things to do for her. But i truly believe couldn't protect her any more.
I thought about a new home for her.But, her anxiety is way to high of a level to try to re-home her. I didn't wanna give her tranquilizer and have her laying around like a log. I thought that be worse then the desion we made. And for my sons, i didn't want to take the risk of a bit happening again.
So regardless how much it pains me to admit, she is gone. I really do hope some day i will see her again!! She will truly be missed...
Princess- I love you! Your a good mookie! I will see you later! I hope your having fun chase squirels and keeys way up there....