So the other night i took my boys to Safeway's to get a quick dinner. David was working late. I had it in my mind we where going to get in and out *L* Well this was the biggest misunderstanding *L*
We went into the store, started getting what we needed. Joel gos "I have to go pee". I stop what I was doing. I took him to the restroom that was located at the back of the store.(we always use this restroom cause its like a family restroom) Soon as we got there he gos,"NO I DON'T WANNA GO PEE". He was yelling ! I tried to kost him into going. But, it did not working. So,I gave up and went back to shopping.
Soon after,we get all the items we need and We make it up to the check out. I put all my grocery's on the belt going up to the cashier. Joel gos "Mommy i have to go pee!". I looked at the cashier told him "We will be right back and those are my grocery's. My son has to go potty." Then I turned around, Joel had ran all the way down to the end of the store crying "I gotta go peee, I gotta go peee.." He was whining and real tears.. I was still back at the check out. I turn the cart around. ( Isaac sitting in the child seat part of the cart.) I jogging down, pushing Isaac in the cart, trying to catch up with Joel... There where people in my way .I finally start saying loudly "EXCUSES me, mommy coming through!" You can hear people as i pass them asking if that's my son.
(Joel was a hole 10 feet ahead me the hole time)
Then we finally make it to the back of the store and to the bathroom. (THANK GOD there was no one in the one stall restroom.) He makes it in there and gos pee and hes like "Look mommy i did it" I was like Just- Breath! lol
Next we walk out the bathroom after getting his pants back one. People are looking at us.The Joel decides he is going run to the front of the store. I go walking fast and jogging after him again. One lady is asking me if he is okay, im like i dont know! LOL He Finally stops at the candy stand and asks "Mommy can i have a candy" aaaah!
I was so frustrated at this point. I picked him up stuck him in the basket and when to get my grocery's. When i got there the guy who had my grocery gos, "I'm closed, you have to go over to that lady". I go over to that lady, the lady gos, "I'm closed, go to the customer service counter"..(I'm about to blow a fuse at this point!) So,why standing there i turn and looked at the guy who had my grocery's and told him what she said and well then they talked and i was able to go pay at the normal line and get out..(THANK GOD!)
By the time i made it to the truck, i was so frustrated, tried and part of me was humiliated. I called my David and said "COme Home now!"And when David made it home, he was my super hero! *smiles*
This will be one of those story's I'm going to tell Joels girlfriends when he gets older LOL