If you don't know by now, Joel is crazy about Thomas and we love to spoil our boys and do things with them. On the 16Th, We took Joel and Isaac to A Day Out With Thomas. He loved it

Here is Joel waiting in line to ride Thomas. As you can see on the top photo Joel dislikes lines :P But a few minutes passed and he could see people moving to get on Thomas,he was all smiles.
Isaac on the other hand, who is exact opposite. He was standing there in line. Smiling and just happy camper. I think he was just happy to be out.

Here we are walking in between the trains to board Thomas.

Once we where on the train, we chose to sat at the end next to Thomas. Joel sat on the floor looking out at him pulling us alone. He was in deep thought. Is Thomas real ? hahaha
Here is David and the boys on the train ride. The train ride took us from the Station to Sokomi Falls and back. It was a 25 min. train ride.

After the train ride, we were able to walk around the station grounds where they had booths set up. We went to each of them and got a stamp and did activity. One of the booth was Thomas Tattoos. (not something i would normally let me kids do, but it was Thomas days hehe) And once they got all 4 stamps they got a price. It was a little click toy camera that you look in to and see pictures of Thomas and his friends.

Here's the boys at the toy train station booth. Isaac wanted to grab it *L*

This booth they had like 8 train set tables out and kids everywhere playing. Joel got really mad at mommy when she said it was time to leave. He said "Its war mommy, I'm not leaving" LOL (not really) but we did get him out there and he was over it few minute later.

At booths they gave Joel a free color sheet and crayons. We told Joel had to wait tell he got home to use them. But Joel didn't want to. Soon after,We let him go play up on this train car. But what your seeing in this photo is a sneaky Joel who had other plains of when it was okay to color *L* He snuck the crayons and color sheet up there and was hiding and attempting to color. :)

Here is Thomas. If you wanted to wait, you could go wait in line an take photos with him when he wasn't pulling passengers, But the line was HUGE. So we did our best to sneak a photo with me.
Before we went home,

We said to the boys we will get something for them at the gift tent. This was a dangerous decision *L* Do you know how fast Thomas stuff can add up *L* We got out of there with a 14.00 hat, 25 dollar batter operated train that will go on his train set table. Which (may i add) we have been trying find forever. I was stoked to finely find this. (I know i bad *L*) Cause he now has a moving train on his wooden train set table. Joel loves movin trains. And we got Isaac a Berti the bus for 12.00. Next time i don't know if we are going in the Big Tent *LOL* Or maybe i will tell the boys they have 15.00 each to spend. (that would been smart huh? haha)
But next year we will know what to expect. *winks* I'm sure the boys will wanna go back :) It was heaps of family fun.