Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Isaac,

Every day you seem to surprise me,. Just as you did when i found out 6 month after i had your brother i was going to be having you. Every day since then i still am so happy surprize i have you. But your so independent, strong minded and different then me or what your brother was like at this age. I never know what to expect.. I find it frustrating cause your my baby and all i want to do is teach you and help and show you the way.

For example when i make you food, i set it on your tray. You have to pick up your plate of food and set it down how you wanted it . Then, if i touch your food why you are eating you just get pissed off at me and you will not eat. Then, when your done eating you don't leave the food on your tray or look at your tray like your done. You pick up the food and chuck it on the floor. I try asking you if your done, and you shake your head no. Then the food hits the floor. (I love you Isaac..hahaha) If i pick up your plate when i feel your done, you cry at me and get mad, and i give it back, then it ends up on the floor again.

But even thou your more unlike me or your brother, you are just like your dad. Strong minded, full of heart and knows what way he wants to go. God had a plain for you my little Isaac bear. And one day your going to be someone great. I love you so much. And I'm thankful everyday god has giving me you to learn from and teach to. But please don't give your momma to much trouble.

Your momma
Bobbie Lynn

Friday, May 7, 2010

Taking the boys on walks :)

When ever the boys get really rowdy or i don't feel like going to the gym, we like to take a walk. Here is a photo of the boys before we left our house :)
And one of the places we like to walk to is our local park.

Here are the boys swinging at the park. (Joel and Isaac have loved the swings since they were newborns ) Both of them where smiling and laughing. I would walk over to Joel and push him and say "wanna go high" he would just smile and then run over to Isaac and push him a few times and back. Both of them just love it.

While we where at the park, I sat Isaac at the top of the slide to see what he would do. He wiggled and slide down and when he got to the bottom. Instead of smiling and looking at me to be picked up, he looked at me with a grin and then looked down and was like "ooooow wood chips" It was funny. I had to get him before he stuck them in his mouth.

When Joel was ruining around i sat Isaac up here and let him check it out, Joel climbed onto the other side and then the boys played pee-ka-boo.: )

After the park is normally when we start our walk down the trail that runs by the park.

On our way down the trail Joel was picking up rocks, sticks, pine cones, grass, and flowers. Isaac would watch. He thought his brother was funny. He liked it when Joel stuck the sticks up in the air.

A little farther down Joel found this tree branch. Then he said "look mommy its a tree". He loved picking the branch up. He is such a boy *L*
Once we made it to the first bench on the trail, we sat down and the boys had there fish crackers (the love fish crackers) We headed back, on the way back I seen a exit on the trail that i thought would be quicker to get home. (the trial runs diagonal from the houses in our neighborhood) I took the exit...Then, I got kinda lost. Joel ended up getting mad at me. I went up a street and i thought it was our cross street. I was wrong and started walking back down, Joel stoped and didn't keep going with me, i told him "Fine, I'm going home, come on".. He just looked at me with a Joel's mean face and then started crying. I knew then i walked to far. I ended up having to hang on to his arm and tow him home. The boy weighs 40 pounds, there was no way i could carry him. I would of had more of a backache then normal.
Anyhow, we made it back in one piece. The boys had lunch and then it was happy hour cause they went down for a nap :) Well not really, there was no mix drinks *L* I just got a break.
It was a good day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Boys First Dentist Appointment

After Isaac turned 1 years old, we decided we should take both the boys to there first dentist appointment.

Here is Joel getting his teeth checked. He had perfect teeth, no cavities. :) And he did a really awesome job!

(This is Joel again in the picture above)
After he got his teeth checked he got florid painted on his teeth. It was funny when we left the dentist office he kept licking his teeth cause it tasted funny :)

When it was Isaac Turn, She was feeling his gums for teeth that was coming it. I thought it was kinda funny to have Isaac go to the dentist cause the boy only has 4 teeth on top and two on bottom but being the good parents we are and with everything you read saying "they should go to the dentist after age of one", we took him anyhow

He did a really good job. His daddy had to help him hold still *L* But he made i throw it and when the boys where done they both got rubber ducks and stickers and was happy that that was throw *L*