Friday, April 30, 2010

Good Bye Binky

I am so proud of Isaac!!!

We woke up yesterday and I couldn't find his Binky. I was like okay, we will see how far we can make it throw out the day with out a Binky. Next thing we know, we made it to nap time. Then, I put him into his crib and waited to see if he would go to sleep with out it. After 45 Min's of him crying, i went in and rocked him to sleep. BUT STILL NO BINKY!!! :) :)

Then when he got up, he was back to his happy self. I thought to myself "lets keep going with out the Binky." So we went on in the day. I needed to go to the gym. I was taking a chance there. No one likes to look after a screaming baby. But i went to the gym with no Binky. I thought i was going to get called to child watch cause Isaac was crying. Sure enough, i did get called to child watch. But i didn't get called to child watch for Isaac crying. It was Joel he needed a diaper change *L*

After the gym, we had to go home, have a quick dinner and get ready for Bible study. Once we were at church, i gave in. (oops) I was thinking Isaac doesn't know the church very well cause we just started there and i was worried about him being comfortable. So i gave him his Binky why he was in the nursery. (all well) Then once we where back to the truck, i plucked the thing back out his mouth, he fussed, it was my fault! But i am a mom and i worry. After a bit he settled down and we made it home. It was Jammie time, so we got the boys dressed. Once they where ready for bed. I rocked Isaac im my airs, in the rocking chair in his room and gave him a kiss and said "have a good sleep". He fussed for about 5 Min's and was off to sleep. And that was the end of a non Binky day *L*

Now its day two. I haven't gave him the Binky and i don't plain to. Its good bye Binky. We have said good bye to bottles, formula, and baby food. Next now only if we could get aread of diapers!!! *L*

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lake Wilderness Playdate

The boys and I love getting out playing and exploring with our local moms group. (MVCA moms from We love this group. They are great! We have so much fun with them. I couldn't have ask to meet a nicer group of moms.
We like going out and doing things with them once or twice a week. And today we went to Lake wilderness. It was lots of good fun. The theme was Dora's back pack.

Here they are making Dora's Backpack's

The Back packs where really cute! They where just a cut piece of paper with strings and then Joel got to put stickers and draw on his back pack :)

"Joel say cheese", says Joel's mommy.
This was the look he gave me. hahaha and he wouldn't look at the camrea :)

Since it was a Dora theme, we had to "go on the train, over the bridge and find the balloon" and this was a obstacle they found on the way they had to jump on the numbers. You can see Joel way in the lead *L* He as all about finding the balloon.

Once they found the balloon it was attach to a bag and in the bag was cut cakes. You can see Joel here all ready to get into the cup cakes *L*
Here is Joel eating cup cakes with a few of the kids in his play group :)

Hahaha... Yep thats my Isaac, eating his cup cake like a pro foot ball star! :)

Then after cup cakes all the kids got too play at the play group area.

Ladies and Gent's I would like you to meet the King of Slides!! *L*

I'm not saying this cause he is my kid. I am saying it cause i have the picture to prove it. The boy is 2 years old and i haven't seen a slide he wouldn't go down :)

I dont know what these are sposta before, but Joel would run over to them stand on them and start tugging at them like he was trying pull them out of the ground *L*

Here is Isaac sitting down for a bit :) He liked the wood chips. As long as he wasnt eating them that is.
One word "Swings"

My boys love swings. Every since they where baby's, they have enjoyed swing back and forth in the swing :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cowboy Joel

My son never stops amazing me. When i thought he would cry. He smiles and laughs. When i thought he would want down, he said and i quote "Ready-set-GO!"

The horse's name was Dolly.He loved riding Dolly and wanted to ride her more.

This is a photo of him riding back to where he got off Dolly. You can see how happy he is.

There where lots of other animals there to... He fed them carrots and pieces of bread. He seen a baby bunny, a sheep, a cow, there was a mini pony and lots more. He loved the farm :) I hope to take him back really soon!

Other photos:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter 2019

With all our family members living out of state, the holidays attend to be kind of a hard time for us. So we try to come up with creative ways to enjoy them. So for Easter instead of hunting eggs and eating ham, we took off on a day trip to Forks, WA. (The home of twilight)

If you are wondering: Yes, I do like Twilight. There is probably better Twi fans then me *L* But i did enjoy the books and seeing the town. Seeing the town helped me visual places in books. It was quit cool. So if your not all hot for Twilight, i would say "Yes, go to Forks. Forks is surrounded by beautiful trees, mountains, and water. It will still be worth the trip" :)

But, we started doing Easter stuff on Saturday night. We took the boys to there first drive in movie in Auburn. It was quit nice. I didn't have to worry about anyone saying your kid is being ___________. We watched How To Train A Dragon. It was a really good movie.

Then on Sunday morning, i woke up thinking "Oh crap!", i had forgot to put together the boys Easter baskets. When i looked at the clock it was almost time for Joel to get up, so i couldn't put them together in the living room. I throw a blanket over Davids head (who was still sleeping lol) and flipped on the light and put them together, and just as soon as everything was in the baskets, Joel got up . I actually put him in his bed and told him "It wasn't time to get up yet." Kinda bad and mean of me ....But it bought me 10 mins to put the baskets out *L*

The boys enjoyed the baskets. With them being a little older (ages one and two), its fun to see them get excited over the things you get them :)

After the baskets and a lunch we set off to Forks, it was 6 hour round trip, We stooped in a few places. One of those places was Lake Crescent. Joel or Isaac had never seen a big lake before. So we got out. It was Beautiful.

We finally made it to Forks around 4pm. It was late, and of course it was raining. It being Easter and all lots of shops where closed. But we still drove around, We found Bella's truck. Had Twilight buggers and played in the rain...
Over all it was a great Easter and it was a good day :)

The Start of Youngmans Blogger

I have offten wanted to blog about my family. You can look forward to finding all that here :)